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zer = (second * 1000); draw(); var seekbar = (this.currentTime / this.duration) * 100; $(".seektime").width(seekbar + "%"); $(".trackstatus").html("Playing "); //PassCurrentTime = second; /*if (second != oldsecond) { if($(".pagegroup:visible").find(".pl_waiting").length == 0){ if(parseInt($(".pagegroup:visible").find(".activenow").attr("data-end") - settings.Adjustment) < ((second * 1000))) { var newindex = $(".pagegroup:visible").index() + 1; //.removeClass("active"); $(".pagegroup").removeClass("active"); $(".pagegroup").eq(newindex).addClass("active"); } } $("#lyrics span.pl_waiting").filter(function () { return ($(this).attr("data-start") - settings.Adjustment) <= (second * 1000); }).each(function () { TriggerText($(this)); }); }*/ //oldsecond = second; /* newseek = parseInt(this.currentTime); if (newseek > oldseek) { mincount++; oldseek = newseek; if (mincount % 5 == 0) { kStatMin(settings.TrackId, 5, "CCD26B33-4F2A-4FA8-B173-DB9A294E74B5"); if (view == 1) { if (mincount >= (parseInt(this.currentTime) - 5)) { kStat(settings.TrackId, "A346FE94-42CE-4328-9A2C-E4CF6D15187B", "Video", "Watched", "", "", this.currentTime, "paused", "", "", "1"); 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} $(".queue").on("click", "." + settings.PauseButton, function () { PausePlayingAll(); }); $(".queue").on("click", "." + settings.PlayButton, function () { if($(".playwr.notvenue").length > 0) { if(!$(".playwr.notvenue").is(":visible")) { $(".wrap.queue, .queuebg").addClass("playing"); } } if(PausedState == 1){ StartPlayingAll();} }); $(document).one("click", "." + settings.StopButton, function () { TextArray = []; TextRow = []; PausedState = 1; if($(".playwr.notvenue").length > 0) { $(".wrap.remove").addClass("playing"); $(".wrap.queue, .queuebg").removeClass("playing"); $(".playwr.notvenue").fadeOut(500); } StopPlayingAll(); $(".seektime").width(0 + "%"); }); $(document).one("click", "." + settings.ResetButton, function () { ResetPlayingAll(); }); $(document).one("click", "." + settings.SkipButton, function () { TextArray = []; TextRow = []; StopPlayingAll(); NQ = true; SortNextSongBool = true; playPause = false; $(".nowplaying").removeClass("p"); $(".trackstatus").html("Loading..."); $(".seektime").width(0 + "%"); if (typeof karaokesongended == 'function') { karaokesongended(); } }); $(document).on("click", ".seek", function (event) { //var seekbar = (this.currentTime / audio.duration) * 100; var Percentage = (event.pageX / $(this).width()) * 100; var NewSeekPosition = ((audio.duration / 100) * Percentage); audio.currentTime = NewSeekPosition; }); function RemoveAllAudio() { $(".complete").addClass("pl_waiting").removeClass("complete"); $(".activenow").addClass("pl_waiting").removeClass("activenow"); $(".pagegroup").removeClass("active"); $(".pagegroup").first().addClass("active"); if(audio){ if (!audio.paused && !onpause) { audio.currentTime = 0; audio.pause(); audio.src = Blankemp3; } } } function StopPlayingAll() { $("." + settings.PauseButton).hide(); $("." + settings.PlayButton).css("display", "inline-block"); if ($(".playercontrols").length > 0) { PlayerControls = $(".playercontrols").clone().wrap('
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} else { $(".showplaybut").show(); } clearInterval(timetostop); }, 1000); }else{ $(".showplaybut").hide(); } } function PausePlayingAll() { $("." + settings.PauseButton).hide(); $("." + settings.PlayButton).css("display", "inline-block"); $(".trackstatus").html("Paused"); PausedState = 1; onplaying = false; if(audio){ if (!audio.paused && !onpause) { audio.pause(); } } } function SkipPlayingAll(){ } function ResetPlayingAll() { $(".complete").addClass("pl_waiting").removeClass("complete"); $(".activenow").addClass("pl_waiting").removeClass("activenow"); $(".pagegroup").removeClass("active"); $(".pagegroup").first().addClass("active"); if(audio){ if (!audio.paused && !onpause) { audio.pause(); } if (audio.paused && !onplaying) { //audio.volume = 1; audio.volume = settings.MasterVolume; audio.play(); EndedTrigger = false; TrackCurrentTime.call(audio); } } } var kStat = function (video, type, object, event, eventfrom, eventto, currenttime, state, name, filename, val11) { var d = new Date(); var jdate = d.getFullYear() + "-" + d.getMonth() + "-" + d.getDay() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds() + "." + d.getMilliseconds(); //$.ajax({ // type: "POST", // contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // url: 'https://www.karaoke.co.uk/player/videoplayer.aspx/VideoEvent', // data: '{"Val1" : "' + video + '", "Val2" : "' + type + '", "Val3" : "' + object + '", "Val4" : "' + event + '", "Val5" : "' + eventfrom + '", "Val6" : "' + eventto + '", "Val7" : "' + state + '", "Val8" : "' + currenttime + '", "Val9" : "' + name + '", "Val10" : "' + filename + '", "Val11" : "' + val11 + '", "Val12" : "NO QUEUE SENT"}', // dataType: "json", // success: function (msg) { // }, error: function () { // } //}); }; var kStatMin = function (video, num, type) { //$.ajax({ // type: "POST", // contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", // url: 'https://www.karaoke.co.uk/player/videoplayer.aspx/VideoSeconds', // data: '{"Val1" : "' + video + '", "Val2" : "' + num + '", "Val3" : "' + type + '"}', // dataType: "json", // success: function (msg) { // // }, error: function () { // // } //}); }; $.ajax({ type: "POST", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", url: settings.TrackLocation, data: '{ "TrackGuid":"' + settings.TrackId + '", "Type": "1"}', dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { if(msg.d.length > 0){ htmlblock.html(""); htmlblock.html(msg.d[0].PlayerLayout); $(".brandinglogo").html(msg.d[0].PlayerBranding); $('img.svg').each(function () { var $img = $(this); var imgID = $img.attr('id'); var imgClass = $img.attr('class'); var imgURL = $img.attr('src'); $.get(imgURL, function (data) { // Get the SVG tag, ignore the rest var $svg = $(data).find('svg'); // Add replaced image's ID to the new SVG if (typeof imgID !== 'undefined') { $svg = $svg.attr('id', imgID); } // Add replaced image's classes to the new SVG if (typeof imgClass !== 'undefined') { $svg = $svg.attr('class', imgClass + ' replaced-svg'); } // Remove any invalid XML tags as per http://validator.w3.org $svg = $svg.removeAttr('xmlns:a'); // Replace image with new SVG $img.replaceWith($svg); }, 'xml'); 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} Group = 1; } } else{NQ = true;} } }); };